Principles of inheritance
Genotypic variation
Other forms of heritable variation
Quantitative variation and heritability
Novel sources of genetic variation
The practice of plant breeding
Defining breeding goal(s)
Defining breeding goal(s), contd
Identifying relevant sources of genetic variation
Choice of crossing parents
Selection in segregating populations: phenotypic vs genotypic
Multilocation, multiyear testing
Pedigree records
Breeding methods
Plant Breeders' rights
New technologies for plant breeding
Untitled Document

Defining breeding goal(s), contd

A most important consideration is practicality: i.e., "what is realistically achievable?"

It's not sensible (for example) to aim to improve drought tolerance when you have no reliable way of phenotyping, and/or no known source of useful variation.

Here is a list of questions which a breeder should consider:

Know what to throw away! You will have a more manageable program, and thus a higher chance of success, if you select a few rather than trying to advance too many plants.