Integrated breeding platform - Plant breeding software


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP)?

Do "IBP" and "BMS" refer to the same thing?

Is the Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP) part of, or the same as, the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform (EiB)?

How was the IBP created?

Who manages the IBP?

How do you ensure sustainability?

Does the IBP provide project funding?

What products and services can I get from the IBP?

What is the cost of these products and services (didn't I hear that it was free?)

I hear this is more than just a website. How so?

Is registration on this website free?

I already have an account with the IBP from before the website was relaunched. How do I update my profile and login information?

Is my registration information safe and protected?

How can I change my login and/or contact information?

Are there professional courses available other than in the use of BMS Pro, or than e-learning modules?

Can I join more than one crop community on the IBP website?

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