Integrated breeding platform - Plant breeding software

Program Management for Plant Breeders - UC Davis, California

July 25, 2014


The course objective is to enhance the management skills of professional scientists who are leading and directing plant breeding and laboratory programmes in modern agricultural research and development programmes in agribusiness companies and in the public sector.  


Some of the topics include:

  • Understanding where your plant breeding or research programme fits in the overall strategy of the organisation. Establishing a vision and goal for your programme and defining your key strategies and capacities.
  • Comprehending the financial aspects of your programme. Managing budgets, expenses, capital projects and period reporting. Reading and understanding a financial statement and managing your resources within the goals of your organisation.
  • Leading and managing people towards a common goal. Learning the principles of effective hiring, retention, evaluation, promotion, training, mentorship and motivation. Handling difficult situations using conflict resolution. Dealing with and embracing change and creating a culture of innovation.
  • Creating effective and efficient programmes. Understanding the principles of work flow, scheduling, safety, and legal compliance. Learning issues surrounding intellectual property and contracts, treaties and agreements.

The class format includes interactive lectures and problem solving.  The curriculum and materials were developed specifically for this programme.  Lead instructors include industry experts Fred Bliss, Tom Francis and Rale Gjuric.


Tuition includes all course materials, lunches and breaks. If a registered participant is not able to attend, another employee may be substituted for the session. Refunds may be requested up until three weeks prior to the course; however a $100.00 administrative fee will be charged.

Early-bird registration, until August 4: $750.00
Full Registration: $850.00


For additional information and registration, please visit the event's web page: UC Davis Program Management for Plant Breeders


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